Manchester Magic and Mystics lead the way for England U14s at the Tri-Nations in Dundee, as Magic’s David Akhidime (pictured directly below second from right) and Mystics’ Mojan Malek (pictured below second from right) earn All-Star 5 honours.

In the girls’ standings England 2 finished first, with England 1 as runners up and in the boys’ England 2 remained undefeated to win their crown and Wales took second.
On hand to present the medals was Scottish and British basketball legend Kieron Achara.
Manchester Magic players selected were, David Akhidime, Luca Boothe, Ege Cakmakkaya and Camran Hanson. Manchester Mystics players selected were, Mojan Malek, Tiana Walker and Anya Williams.
Saturday 27 June
Girls – Court 1
9:00: England 1 113-20 Wales
11:00: Scotland White 29-110 England 2
13:15: Scotland Blue 54-78 England 1
15:15: England 2 103-17 Wales
17:00: Scotland White 23-104 England 1 – Tiana Walker top scored with 22
Boys – Court 2
9:00: England 1 50-53 Wales
11:00: Scotland White 19-70 England 2 – Camran Hanson scored 34
13:15: Scotland Blue 71-85 England 1
15:15: England 2 83-60 Wales – David Akhidime scored 24
17:00: Scotland White 44-96 England 1
Sunday 28 May
9:00: Scotland Blue 54-73 England 2 – Mojan Malek scored 26, including 10 field goals
13:00: England 1 39-44 England 2
9:00: Scotland Blue 61-96 England 2
13:00: England 1 50-56 England 2