Morag Gilronan, who has a daughter in the Mystics programme, has agreed to take on the volunteer role for the forthcoming season.
“It’s a really positive move for us,” said club chief executive Phil Gordos.
“Safeguarding and child welfare is increasingly important to clubs like ours, so we are taking steps to ensure we are on the front foot.
“Morag has a strong background in social work and safeguarding, so she is the perfect person to take on this new role.”
The club is looking for other adults to join the welfare team, which will be led by Morag.
“We want adults who are passionate about children’s safety and wellbeing who are willing to assist the club on a volunteer basis,” she said.
Anyone interested in joining the welfare team or who wants to find out more, please email the club at welfare@manchestermagicandmystics.co.uk or call the office on 0161 881 0090.
Until the welfare team is up and running, Morag will be the point of contact for any welfare concerns.
You can contact her at welfare@manchestermagicandmystics.co.uk.